A Few Ideas to Help You Write the Cask of Amontillado Analysis Essay

If you are writing an analysis essay on the Cask of Amontilla, there are a few tips that you can incorporate to ensure the paper that you present is top notch. First things first, make sure you have read the piece many times over before you set out to analyze. You do not have to memorize it, but knowing it well will save you a lot of time and effort. In Poe’s tale “The Cask of Amontillado”, the story focuses on the use of secret murder and revenge to circumvent the use of legal channels when seeking retribution.

  • Review the key details of the piece. Consider who the main actors are, what arguments, figurative language, or loaded terms are used.
  • Review how the language inspires the characters and what motivates their different actions throughout the piece.
  • Write about the color imagery used by the author, and the meaning of the names like Fortunato.
  • Consider the setting of carnival and why that is important.
  • Edit and proofread your final paper. Many universities have a writing center or some sort of free tutoring for enrolled students which can be used to get your work edited. You can also submit a draft of your work to a tutor, if you have one, or your close friends or family. Ask them to look it over, but make sure you give it a good review as well. It is helpful to print a tangible copy, double spaced, and to read it out loud, sentence by sentence, in order to track down parts that might have flaws or need improvement. You can also catch bad transitions or grammatical errors easier when you read out loud.
  • If you find yourself struggling with your work, get help. Ask your teacher for clarification or guidance if you are struggling. Look for assistance from peer tutors or writing centers on your campus. Make sure that you get help from any sources that are available to you before you let your grade suffer.

While these may be seemingly small requirements, especially in light of the time it takes to actually write a good paper, they are important. And if you incorporate these tips, you can show your teacher that you actually care about the assignment. You will also have a great paper that goes above and beyond the basics.


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