4 Places Where You Can Find Problem-Solving Essay Examples

A problem solving essay is self-explanatory. In this essay style, the student must choose a problem and propose a solution to the issue. Often, problem solving essays are assigned in high school or college English classes. To get started, students should figure out a topic that they want to write about. Once they find an interesting problem, they can begin outlining the paper. Students should always pick a problem that actually interests them because it will make writing the paper easier.

Visit the Library

The first place to look for examples is in the library. There are a number of books about writing that the student can use as an example. In addition, some magazine or periodical articles will have the same type of format. Unlike many writing assignments, problem solving essays are actually used in the real world. From an economic journal to bleaching tips, many magazines include this type of writing.

Use a Custom Writing Service

One of the best options for getting an example is through a custom writing service. With one of these services, the student tells the company what they need in a paper. Afterward, the company forwards this information to their team of writers. Before long, the student has a perfect paper in their inbox. Although these companies will generally charge a fee, they offer something a library book cannot: an original paper. If students want to, they can actually turn in one of these documents as their own work.

Ask a Classmate or a Sibling

Each year, teachers use the same syllabus, lecture notes and assignments as they did in the previous year. This means that former students have already completed the same paper. Students should ask an older sibling or friend if they have taken the class. If they can find someone who already wrote the essay, they may be able to use their paper as an example. This option is entirely free, but its success will depend on who the student knows. Ideally, they should use the essay from a student who is good at writing.

Visit Writing Websites

Students can easily find websites that cater to homework and writing online. On one of these sites, students can search for essays on any topic. These papers will vary in style, skill level and subject matter. It may take a bit of time to find the right paper, but it is worth the wait. Since many of these sites offer free examples, using them can save the student money.


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